Learn to Break Dance in Perth

Break dancing is hot at the moment. Spurred on by TV shows such as Australia, You've Got Talent and So, You think You Can Dance a whole new vocabulary of dance terms have entered the vocabulary. Popping and locking are getting mainstream now! Possibly not as common as waltzing and jiving yet but definitely getting there.
Breakdancing is very versatile : you can break dance solo or with a partner. The most common type of break dancing though is with small group. This makes the freeze frame action of some of the moves even more impressive.
Before committing to a whole term of classes you should check out that you like the vib of the studio. Most studios will hold the occasional free class or open day to encourage new dancers. You want to be with a group you feel comfortable with.
Classes also need not to be right across the other side of town. Given Perth's infrastructure its not great if you live in Joodalup and the class is in Mandurah! Try for a class which is north of the river or south of the river - depending where you live. Something central in Northbridge would suite a lot of people too.