Learn to Dance Perth, Australia

The need or desire to learn to dance happens at certain well-defined times in peoples lives. Weddings are of course the #1 reason for many people to want to learn to dance: and a few months before the spring wedding season often sees an up swing in inquiries for dance lessons for not just the bridal party but also key invited guests. Other times such as the school or university leaving ball will also see people learning to dance. My first dance class was as a result of an invite to a large formal wedding from a partner who was also the best man. I never got to the wedding, and the relationship never worked out but my love affair with learning to dance has gone from strength to strength!

If you want to learn to dance for a specific event such as a wedding or a ball then its worth finding out what style of music is being played: although it is possible to rock and roll to a waltz its not always the most acceptable thing to do! If you are the wedding couple then think about your choice of music in advance if its important to you having people up and dancing! I saw an entire wedding party - about 12 people all learn to dance Argentine Tango for a wedding: they had such a good time their tango teacher got an invite to the wedding too: and apparently it was a fantastic dance party! The thing is once you start dancing it can just be so much fun